Financial Mentoring Sessions

Our budgeting support is confidential and provided free of charge to families and individuals. We know that talking about money is not always easy. Taking that first step and meeting with one of our financial mentors for a no strings attached session can reduce stress and worry and help you to come up with a plan on what is best for you and your family.

Sometimes you may need more than a budget and support to help manage your way out of debt. We can advise you and assist with:

  • Kiwisaver Hardship Withdrawals

  • No Assets Procedure

  • Debt Repayment Orders

  • Bankruptcy Procedures

We want you to succeed!

Financial Mentoring Sessions can be:

  • In person appointments or

  • Phone appointments

Bring what you can out of the following:

  • A support person if you would like to

  • Your latest bank statements

  • A list of your debts and all outgoings

  • Up to date statements from your creditors and debtors

  • Income statement from your employer or Work and Income

  • Try to bring your MYMSD / MYIR Log in details

    • You can use our computer to log in to your statements

Please note:

  • We can run a credit report for you if you are unsure of what you owe

  • We can give you ideas on how to improve your credit rating